Make Your Job-site safer.

Tidi-Hangers® TC002
Tidi-Hangers are by far our best selling product, enabling users to hang cords from fences, cable trays, ceiling grids and scaffolding. They're simple, quick and extremely cost effective.
Get yours today!
OSHA Safety & Health Regulations for Construction
Under Standard Number 1926.416 all cords should be suitably managed on site so that:
"1926.416(b)(2) Working spaces, walkways, and similar locations shall be kept clear of cords so as not to create a hazard to employees."
"1926.416(e)(2) Extension cords shall not be fastened with staples, hung from nails, or suspended by wire."

Need Some Help?
If you have any questions or need some advice on which products will suit your site best, please get in touch with us - we'd love to hear from you!